1. How are matatu drivers treated in his experience with the BBC?
There can be seen two totally different treatments:
In one hand there's BBC's: whith "the normal treatment, matatu drivers are recieving nothing but respect from them. In the other hand, Kenyans treat matatu drivers like thieves, and the only reason Wambaruru doesn't get treated even worse is because of the presence of BBC in the vehicle.
2. Do Barranquilleros have the same negative opinion of mototaxistas as the Kenyans have of matatu drivers?
I believe at first there sure were some negative opinions of mototaxistas but it certainly has changed. Actually, some time ago, I was on a taxi and the driver was telling me he would rather be a mototaxista than a taxi driver, because he thinks that mototaxistas's community is more like a family and the only reason he was not a mototaxista was his age, he was too old for that. Anyway, there might be people who still sees mototaxistas as a negative, and even dangerous group, but those must be just a few.